
a few words about me

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“I am the best of the best when it comes to personal coaches in the palo alto – menlo park area.”

Being fit and living healthy is what I know and love. Fitness has always been a part of my life. I have no special talents, I have no gifts, I have no incredible athletic ability, I wasn’t rich or athletically gifted. All i have is what my father gave to me and all my brothers, the ability to work hard, wake up at 3-4 in the morning. As a baker you got to wake up at 3 in the morning and be at the bakery by 4 in the morning, so the fresh bread can come out for customers as they come in for their morning coffee.

My father taught us, how to be part of the community. How to be part of a Family. Sell your product, not be bashful about it, because you understand your part of it which makes this whole thing run.

And that’s my role, I’m a Trainer, I’m a Fitness guy, I’m not trying to solve the World’s problems, I just try to train my guys as best I can and then call it a day, and go take care of my family.

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